HOLISTIC SILK RETREAT- Summer Holiday Relaxing Breathing

Summer Holiday Breathing

Summer holidays are a whirlwind of activity; refereeing squabbles, enjoying sunny days and making rainy days stuck inside fun - too many of those in the UK for our liking - entertaining, travelling and more.   It’s chaotic, messy but above all FUN!  Whether you're a parent corralling overexcited children, a student navigating your way through clearing and applying for future studies, or simply someone feeling the seasonal shift, staying grounded and embracing a sense of calm is essential.

By focusing on your breathing, you can among other things, lower stress levels, enhance your mood, increase your energy (summer holiday vital!) promote better sleep and encourage mindfulness. Here we share our tried and tested toolkit of five breathing exercises which have been key to our survival serene enjoymentof summer holidays over the years. Not just for adults, we have also included some breathing exercises that are great for smaller kids too…a lovely quiet activity you will enjoy as much as they do!

Box/Square Breathing

Our go to for regaining focus you can do this anywhere where you are seated and have five minutes to spare. Close your eyes and inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four and hold this for a count of four. Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of four then hold your breath for a count of four.  Repeat for around five minutes.

4-7-8 Breathing

Joanna’s personal favourite at the end of the day to wind down and promote better sleep, it takes a bit of practice but works wonderfully. Ideally you should lie down for this, but it works in a chair too - plane seats especially.  Inhale through your nose for a count of four then hold your breath for a count of seven. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound, for a count of eight. Repeat at least four times.

Belly Breathing

This is the best ten minutes of relaxation you can have in any day and one the kids can join in with, just get them to rest a soft toy under their hands- they will enjoy making the toy move with just their breathing.

Lie down and place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. Inhale deeply through your nose, letting your belly rise while your chest remains still, then exhale slowly through your mouth, letting your belly fall. Repeat for 5-10 minutes, focusing on the rise and fall of your belly.

Nostril Breathing

A yogic practice this promotes mental clarity and emotional stability - perfect for hot stressful days travelling, queuing or deeply relaxing.

Sit up straight and close your left nostril with your left finger. Inhale deeply then close your right nostril with your right finger. Release the left nostril and exhale. Now inhale through the left nostril, close the left nostril with your finger, release the right nostril and exhale. Repeat this for five-10 minutes.

Starfish Breathing

Combining breathing and relaxing touch, this one is really useful for focusing your mind or if you need to slow your breathing down.  Children love this too and it’s a great way to help overexcited children slow down and drift off to sleep.

Spread one hand out like a starfish and slowly trace your fingers with your other hand starting with your little finger.  Inhale deeply through your nose as you trace up your finger, exhale slowly through your mouth as you trace down. Repeat this for as long as you need until your breathing is steady and calmed.

Whilst not essential, thanks to their soothing Lavender aroma and facial acupressure properties, our hero Lavender Eye Pillow or unique Lavender Face Pillow will bring a whole new dimension of relaxation and calm to your mindful breathing moments. And for the ultimate in mindful relaxation, breathe and decompress on our Lavender Yoga Rug Mat perfect for creating a safe, sacred grounding space.

We hope these breathing techniques help you relax and unwind however you spend your summer and that it is truly fabulous.  Remember to take time for yourself amidst the changed routines and excitement of new experiences, breathe deeply, stay present, and savour the serenity that comes with mindful breathing and the joy of summer.

HOLISTIC SILK RETREAT- Summer Holiday Relaxing Breathing
HOLISTIC SILK RETREAT- Summer Holiday Relaxing Breathing

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